I actually had an amazingly busy weekend! Saturday I got up and went out to breakfast with all my girls, then went out to Keeneland to hang out...or at least I went out to the Keeneland parking lot for tailgating. Around the time everyone headed in for the races it was time for me to go home and get ready for a wedding (which is the actual point of this post...you know how I love to take picture at weddings!). Then Sunday we went to Candice's to hang out with the family, then went to Danville to spent time with my parents. I guess I am lucky I am still not having any pregnancy symptoms or this weekend would have been really rough! (Although, I really do wish my body would start telling me I am pregnant already! That ultrasound cannot come soon enough...)
Anyway, the picture post is dedicated to my sweet little (loyal Bio Girl reader) Mandy. Our families have been close since we were children and it was so great to be there for her big day!
Here are the adorable bride and groom!
I know I may be partial (I did get married in October as well) but I love a fall wedding! Here are me and Nick sitting outside in the perfect fall weather! They could not have asked for a better day for a wedding!
You know how it is when you go to a wedding and you know everyone there? That was this wedding. here is a group of girls my sisters and I hung out with growing up.
Mandy with my little sister Missy. Missy came in for the wedding, but is officially moving back to KY! We have missed her so much!
This picture would be really great if the photographers shoulder wasn't in it... Have I ever told you all that I stand RIGHT BEHIND the photographer at weddings? Apparently they have a good eye for pictures...
There was dancing...first Mandy and Toby
Then Mandy and her dad

There was a bouquet toss that resulted in a bridesmaids dress being pulled down. There was boob that popped out...it was hilariousMissy and Becky seemed to be responsible for the boob incident...Becky doesn't look like she feels bad at all...
Me and Whitney chillin at the bar
Boo and Chris just hanging out
Another random girl shot...this time in the bathroom
And we will end with a picture of the bride with her sweet mama!
Mandy, everything was beautiful! Thanks for having us be with you on your big day! Love you tons and tons!
A boob? What in the world?! You look beautiful. Glad you had fun!